11 fascinating funeral traditions from around the globe
Fascinating article in our Cultural Diversity Group:
Greg Schneider
Founder & President, HVA
HCF Creator
Fascinating article in our Cultural Diversity Group:
Greg Schneider
Founder & President, HVA
HCF Creator
Link to article on TED: Click here
The funerals I’ve attended have all been very much the same. Relatives and friends arrive in all black and take seats in the church or synagogue pews for a somber ceremony where prayers are said, memories are shared
Here is link to an interesting TED video on rituals. In Tana Toraja, weddings and births aren’t the social gatherings that knit society together. In this part of Indonesia, big, raucous funerals form the center of social life. Anthropologist Kelli Sw
Read more…Who would you like to be there or not when you are dying, and when you pass on? Why and why not?
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I had to take down some of my sites due to financial constraints and all of my information is now available on BeyondtheVeil.net
Two of my books are now out-of-print, "Through the Tunnel" and "Beginner's Guide to Conscious Dying." I've replaced them
Read more…Quotes below from Salon
THURSDAY, SEP 15, 2011 08:01 AM PDT
HVA will be writing more in the coming months abo
Read more…"Everyone succumbs to finitude. I suspect I am not the only one who reaches this pluperfect state. Most ambitions are either achieved or abandoned; either way, they belong to the past. The future, instead of the ladder toward the goals of life, flatt
The PBS Frontline documentary on Dr. Atul Gawande's book Being Mortal is now available. This is a touching and compassionate discussion about life and death. It stresses the importance of not waiting too long to make certain important decisions abou
"Death is ordinary, terrifying and beautiful all at once. It cracks our hearts open in a way that nothing else can...Nature is a web, innumerable networks in constantly shifting yin/yang balance. Death is an essential element in that balance. Embrac
Read more…Hi, a bit of a controversy has arisen at our local Hospice; our new director of Volunteer Services does not want us to continue any kind of relationship with a patient's family once the patient has passed away...or share our personal telephone number
Read more…Important New Evidence That It’s Better for Terminally Ill People to Die at Home
Some excerpts from this article...
No one likes to talk about terminal illness, but the stigma surrounding this subject is being punctured a bit by a gr
Read more…[My comments: Tolstoy's novella, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, provides insight into the life of a high court judge in 19th-century Russia who left serious reflection on his own life until hours before his death. The process of dying, which for him start
by Rashani Rea & Kathy Douglas
Those who companion suffering daily, such as hospice nurses and volunteers, will surely appreciate this beautiful work. With 62 original art collages by Rashani Réa, five beautiful chapters by Kathy Douglas, and a foreword by Jean Watson, this exquisite book is a peaceful refuge for contemplation, inquiry, reflection and inspiration for those who traverse the joys and sorrows of nursing.
Kathy Douglas, RN, MPH-HA is a nationally recognized nurse leader, filmmaker and entrepreneur.
Rashani Réa is a prolific artist and musician, a creatrice of sanctuaries and a respected spiritual mentor.
“This is a beloved book and beyond a book. It is an evocative, poetic, ecstatic, and inspirited sacred, experiential calling. A calling to you--YES, YOU.”
— Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, Living Legend (AAN)
“Those who companion suffering daily need to turn inward to metabolize what they have witnessed. This exquisite book, filled with beautiful images and poetic wise words, is the inspiration and support needed to grow a wise heart.”
— Frank Ostaseski, founder and director of the Metta Institute and author of The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully
“In this unique time of the COVID-19 pandemic, this book should be considered a tribute to the tremendous courage being displayed by nurses around the world. There is much wisdom conveyed throughout by those who have been there serving others with such grace.”
— Greg Schneider President, HVA, co-author of The Changing Face of Hospice Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care