Quotes below from Salon
THURSDAY, SEP 15, 2011 08:01 AM PDT
I do not fear death
"I will pass away sooner than most people who read this, but that doesn't shake my sense of wonder and joy"
HVA will be writing more in the coming months about fear of death. We found these thoughts by Roger Ebert, well known movie critic who died in 2013 after a four year bout with cancer, interesting. The comments below are from an article (see link below) extracted from his book "Life Itself: A Memoir". He writes eloquently about his own path toward death. Death is a taboo topic for most societies of the world. Facing our mortality is bit frightening. Roger wrote:
“Ask someone how they feel about death,” he said, “and they’ll tell you everyone’s gonna die. Ask them, In the next 30 seconds? No, no, no, that’s not gonna happen. How about this afternoon? No.
We tend push it away...out into the future...out of sight. It is never the "right" time when it happens. The recent crash of the Lufthansa flight at the hands of a co-pilot who decided it was his time, took hundreds of others with him. By the time they realized it they had minutes of life left.
Death is worth contemplating once in a while...it helps give life perspective and reminds us what is important in our lives. There have been a couple times in my life where I was seconds from death...yet fate somehow took me to the precipice and then pulled me back.
We are going to be writing more about this topic in the coming months.
In the meantime...Roger was not fearful and shared some of his thoughts. We all look at life's journey a little different, including its end.
Greg Schneider
President, Hospice Volunteer Association
HCF Creator