Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea

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Doctors had given Anita Moorjani just hours to live when she arrived at the hospital in a coma on the morning of February 2nd, 2006. Unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for almost four years, Anita entered another dimension, where she experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth. She was given a choice of whether to return to life or not, and chose to return to life when she realized that "heaven" is a state and not a place. This subsequently resulted in a remarkable and complete recovery of her health. Anita's riveting talk will inspire you to transform your life by living more authentically, discovering your greatest passions, transcending your deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy. Her true story will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life! About the speaker... ANITA MOORJANI BIO: Anita Moorjani has become something of an international sensation since her book "Dying to be Me" hit the New York Times bestsellers list only two weeks after its release in March, 2012. She had experienced what most people never have; she "crossed over," and came back to share what she learned. Her remarkable NDE (Near-death experience) and subsequent healing from end-stage cancer is one of the most amazing cases ever recorded. Doctors had given her mere hours to live when she arrived at the hospital in a coma on the morning of February 2, 2006. Unable to move, and in a deep coma as the result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for nearly four years, Anita entered another dimension, where she experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth, and was given a choice of whether to return to life or continue on into death. Anita chose to return to life when she realized that "heaven" is a state, not a place. This subsequently resulted in a remarkable and complete recovery of her health within days of her return. Born in Singapore of Indian parents, Anita has lived in Hong Kong most of her life. She is multi-lingual, and from the age of two, grew up speaking English, Cantonese, and an Indian dialect simultaneously. She had been working in the corporate field for several years before her cancer diagnosis in 2002. She is the embodiment of the truth that we all have the inner power and wisdom to overcome even life's most adverse situations, as she is the living proof of this possibility. World-renowned author, Dr. Wayne Dyer has been instrumental in bringing Anita's story to public attention, and wrote the foreword to her book. He subsequently invited her to appear on his TV special, "Wishes Fulfilled", which airs frequently on PBS. Following the global success of her book, which is being translated and published into 34 different languages, Anita has regularly been interviewed on various prime time television shows around the world, including three times on "Fox News" in New York, "The Jeff Probst Show" in Hollywood, cable TV's "National Geographic International", "The Pearl Report" in Hong Kong, "HeadStart" with Karen Davila in the Philippines, CNN documentary in production, among many others. She inspires her audience to transform their lives by living more authentically, discovering their greatest passions, transcending their deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy, and has the ability to explain such mind-bending concepts as timelessness, non-duality, and simultaneous realities, in such simplified terms that everyone can understand. Anita is currently one of the most sought after inspirational speakers in the world and addresses sell out audiences all over the globe. website: http://www.anitamoorjani.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Anita.Moorjani

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  • Thanks Susan.  Are you familiar with the NDERF (Near Death Experience Research Foundation)?  That is where she first shared her experience which prompted oncologists to study her case very closely.  Her original application is available on that site.

    Regarding spiritual beliefs...I can relate to what you are saying.  Being a volunteer requires that we be open all faiths and not diminish perhaps the only thing a dying person may have to make sense of their life.  I, as you do, just try to be with them and support them "without judgment". The blessing we bring to their process is that we do not know all of their baggage and can be with them without that perspective.  It is quite lovely in that regard.  Thanks for your thoughts.


  • Thank you so much for sharing this! I too had a NDE on12/1212. I was 58 years old at the time. I did not have an illness as Anita did but did most certainly share in many parts of her experience.

    Additionally, I have been a hospice volunteer in the past and so appreciate that you share this without religious preference! My experience as a volunteer has been that unless you are "christian" you must never, ever share your spiritual beliefs with your co-workers because of judgement. I only once expressed my beliefs to one person in our PCU and within a week had 2 employees approach me with concern that I was "not in the right place". Funny, I had no problem and found it easy to support and accept our patients religious faiths, reading from the bible etc. without judgement ( never expressing my beliefs by the way) but absolutely knew I was being judged by the staff.

    Thank you! Susan

  • Hi Laurie,

    Thank you for your comment.  We were not asking anyone to endorse the book.  We know there are members of our community who are interested in the topic of Near Death Experiences.  At the Hospice Community Forum we share information related to death and dying without religious preference.

    If you wish to share any comments about the topic from your perspective, I encourage you to do so.


    Greg Schneider
    HCF Creator
    Founder, President HVA

  • Sorry ...as a Christian I can't endorse this book.
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