Death 101 - A Primer For Approaching Death and Showing Up at the Bedside of the Dying

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Published on Mar 18, 2014 Bodhi Be speaks at Life, Death, Near Death & Beyond: An Exploration - Conference on Maui March 2014 Bodhi Be Presents: Death 101 - A Primer For Approaching Death and Showing Up at the Bedside of the Dying. Learn more at As part of the 3 day conference, sponsored by Lori Grace and The Sunrise Center exploring issues of life, death, near death and beyond, Bodhi Be and Ram Dass both spoke about approaching death and sitting with the dying. Other presenters shared what they have learned from Near Death Experiences, about Mediumship and communication with the departed, electronic communications from the deceased, Hawaiian shamanism, and inter-dimensional music. Bodhi explores the beliefs and stories we tell ourselves, and wonders about: Do we die, or simply "pass on"? Is this body "you"? When do we begin to die? Who's supposed to die? What's the difference between knowing you will one day die, and finding out you are dying? What are we grieving, both collectively and individually? How do we "lose" people when they die? How our relationship to death and dying is formed by culture, religion, psychology, medicine and business? Bodhi Be is a minister, teacher and guide in a Sufi Lineage; an independent funeral director; the executive director of Doorway Into Light, a non-profit in the field of death and dying; and the founder of The Death Store, Hawaii's first certified green funeral home. He is a long-time hospice volunteer and leads workshops and trainings in the fields of end-of-life, and after-death care, and in conscious living and dying. Learn more at

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  • Bodhi Be asks many tough questions we avoid as a society.  He makes some excellent points and helps us to begin to understand death in our own lives and what is life.

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