touch (3)

Everflowing Approach to working with Pain

Reading the Massage Magazine special issue on pain relief I am reflected into how working with pain differs in my hospice massage practice from more traditional modalities.

A couple of months ago I was working with an intern at an inpatient hospice. We went into see a woman with cerebral palsy who was not on our list of referrals.

Sabrina had spent most of her life in hospital wards. Her body was a roadmap of surgeries and called out loudly for tenderness.

Sabrina spoke of her legs and back being in great pain. She continued to speak of her discomfort as I positioned myself sitting comfortably at the foot of her bed. As I slowly lifted the sheet to assess her right leg my heart shed a tear for the dwarfed limb that was exposed.

I cupped my hand around the thigh and softly spoke," I am honored to offer this limb some tenderness....I feel your leg loves the attention.... Im so glad were here."

While gently holding and tenderly petting this leg Sabrina replied, "If someone had done that years ago I might still be at home."

I covered the leg as Sabrina asked me to touch her back. Although she was in a lot of pain she requested that a nurse position her onto her side so I could touch the exact spot.

After positioning was completed I sat comfortably behind Sabrina on her bed, uncovered her back and with Sabrinas permission I came very close. With one hand slipped under her head pillow as to hold her, I simply laid my other hand on her back and said, "Oh I know you have been in pain for a long time. I'm so glad were here."

As I became comfortable, slowly exhaling, I felt Sabrina going to sleep. Her pain had been validated. She expressed her gratitude before the silence..

After a couple of minutes I slowly removed my hand from underneath her pillow and changed places with my intern.

The Everflowing intention is never to remove pain from someones body. The intention is to validate and honor the symptom ology that is being experienced, and to create an environment where the clients anxiety about having pain can be eased.

We are in a culture that insists that pain is something we have to get rid of. We essentially make pain wrong therefore when pain appears we are afraid of it getting worse; we defend ourselves, hold ourselves tightly. We want the pain to go away. This directs a profound degree of energy to the pain, and creates anxiety.

As an Everflowing practitioner, I want to create a resting place as I walk into a room or up to someones bed; a place of stillness first, and then a place of very gentle movement like a breeze or a soft wave of water as the tactile relationship begins. A place where there is no resistance; a vulnerable place.

This is achieved through slow body movement, slow speech, slow audible breathing; and my willingness to find my own place of physical comfort; just being comfortable and breathing as I slowly speak to my client. I am just a witness.

This resting place, this alternative rhythm, eases a lot of tension in the room. There appears to be more empty space and the client might begin to find comfort as well.

If I can stay grounded and comfortable in body and mind then the static and resistance has been broken. The cycle has to reestablish itself.

This change in the pain cycle can cause a decrease in the pressure being experienced by the client and give the client an alternative strategy for coping with the pain.

Pain is multidimensional when someone is dying and may be my clients most familiar response to his or her condition. I cannot assume that alleviating it is the kindest strategy. I feel I must validate the existing relationship and give models for reestablishing a more compassionate communication with ones self and ones environment.

This is the Everflowing approach to pain. I look forward to your sharing your approaches and stories.


Irene Smith

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The Language of Touch


The attached link is to an Everflowing you tube trailer showing a touch exercise during a Touch Awareness in Caregiving day long workshop . The participants are hospice caregivers . The person being touched is a piece of clay. The sculptor[ the person touching] was creating the upper torso ,face and head. The voice is me, Irene Smith, in a dialogue that has been added. What you hear is not the instruction to the participants.

I would love to hear your comments

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Recently Published!!
by Maryclaire Torinus

Surviving Hospice: A Chaplain's Journey into the Big Business of Dying Plus: How To Find a Trustworthy Hospice 

This narrative is an insider’s look into the hijacking of hospice by private equity and professional investors and the subsequent harm to patients, their families, and to the interdisciplinary clinical teams. It was released by a NYC publisher on October 31, 2023. For sale on Amazon.

The author, a hospice chaplain, tells end-of-life stories of her patients who were harmed by financially-motivated policies. This is a book for anyone who is embarking on making a choice about a hospice for their loved one, working chaplains, those in training, and those interested in what dying is like with a hospice who places patients as their primary stakeholders.

Maryclaire's experience working for an owner who sold to a private equity firm helped her to realize that the reputation and viability of hospice is in jeopardy. Her goal is to alert all who love hospice to rid it of professional investors.

— Stacy Juba, author, editor, and award-winning health journalist

"Powerful, beautifully written, and eye-opening, this book spotlights the inner workings of a multi-billion-dollar industry and the effect on patients, families, and hospice staff. The author shares poignant accounts of hospice at its best and worst and the hard-hitting truths she learned on her journey. A must-read for family members exploring hospice care."

— Laura Kukowski, CEO, editor, For-Profit Badger Hospice, LLC

"Maryclaire Torinus speaks with authority, providing this essential handbook for choosing a hospice care team and why that selection really matters."

Greg Schneider President, HVA, co-author of The Changing Face of Hospice Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care 

"When I first found out that Maryclaire Torinus was writing this book, I immediately contacted her because in my 25+ years supporting hospice volunteers, I have seen a gradual decline in the quality of care volunteers are permitted to provide the dying and their families. There are a variety of reasons for this that I describe in the Foreward of this book. Maryclaire provides invaluable insights that everyone should know, along with solutions to help others make the right choice in choosing a hospice."

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The Changing Face of Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care
Contributing Author - Greg Schneider
HCF Creator & HVA President

Volunteers have a long history of supporting the development and delivery of hospice and palliative care in most countries throughout the world. As hospice and palliative care services anticipate significant increasing and changing demands, it is recognized that volunteers have a vital role to play in supporting the future delivery of services. However, as society changes so too does volunteering.

This multi-author text explores the complex phenomenon of hospice and palliative care volunteering from an international perspective and considers the influence on volunteering of different cultures and constructs. The book also explores the likely impact of changes in hospice and palliative care on volunteers and considers how and why volunteering itself is changing and the subsequent implications for managers, organizations, and policy makers.

This book does not attempt to offer solutions to the many challenges ahead, but rather poses questions that may help to reflect on new possibilities and opportunities.


"The book is well laid out and written in an easy to use manner. It begins with setting the scene of volunteering and the modern context of hospice and palliative care. The book is well referenced and covers a range of topics making for a balanced and thought provoking read." -- Nursing Times

"If you run a palliative care volunteer service, or a palliative care service with a volunteer program, you need to read this book. Not only will it give you an in-depth view of where things are at, but also how things are changing in countries from around the world." -- Roger Woodruff, IAHPC Newsletter



Ros ScottHonorary Research Fellow, University of Dundee, UK and Co-chair, EAPC Task Force on Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care. She is a researcher and voluntary sector consultant with a background in organisational development, research and the development of volunteering and of palliative care organisations. 

Steven Howlett, Deputy Director at Roehampton Business School, London, UK where he teaches undergraduate and post graduate courses in management and ethics. Previously he was Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Volunteering research where he completed many studies on volunteering.
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