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I Made soup

Last week while preparing for a presentation on listening, I leaned back in my chair at the computer wondering what story I could tell about listening deeply. Not just involuntary hearing but truly listening to the meaning of the words. Listening with my heart as well as my ears.

My heart burst open and I started to cry. I heard my mother say "I made soup."

My mother had severe crippling arthritis, scoliosis and heart disease. Her physician was an osteopath and she combined acupuncture, herbs, supplements and homeopathic medicine in her health care. She never went to the hospital .She would simply stay in bed for days at a time.

Cooking was very painful for mother so friends would bring food or take her out to eat most of the time. This was her program for the last 20 years of her life.

I*n her last few months every time Mother called me she would say "honey, I made vegetable soup. It’s so good!"

My response was always , "Great Mom." I actually remember being somewhat bored by these conversations and not really interested in her soup.

I harbored a well of anger with my mother and didn’t work through that before she died. It clouded all our communication.

Last week, 16 years later I got it. "I Made Soup"meant, honey I’m out of bed today; Im feeling strong and I was able to cut vegetables. It’s a glorious day!"

" I Made Soup" was a statement of mother’s courage and independence and her ability to push through her suffering .

Deep Listening is a practice and a philosophy developed by Pauline Oliveros. It is said in this practice that listening deeply requires the temporary suspension of judgment and a willingness to receive new information. It is a process of learning.

Truly listening allows us to not only hear what someone says and, what they think, but allows us the understanding of what it means to them and why it matters. There is perhaps no greater way to show our respect than to truly listen to someone.

Many blessings and please share your listening stories . Your stories mean so much to the community.

Irene smith

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Recently Published!!
by Maryclaire Torinus

Surviving Hospice: A Chaplain's Journey into the Big Business of Dying Plus: How To Find a Trustworthy Hospice 

This narrative is an insider’s look into the hijacking of hospice by private equity and professional investors and the subsequent harm to patients, their families, and to the interdisciplinary clinical teams. It was released by a NYC publisher on October 31, 2023. For sale on Amazon.

The author, a hospice chaplain, tells end-of-life stories of her patients who were harmed by financially-motivated policies. This is a book for anyone who is embarking on making a choice about a hospice for their loved one, working chaplains, those in training, and those interested in what dying is like with a hospice who places patients as their primary stakeholders.

Maryclaire's experience working for an owner who sold to a private equity firm helped her to realize that the reputation and viability of hospice is in jeopardy. Her goal is to alert all who love hospice to rid it of professional investors.

— Stacy Juba, author, editor, and award-winning health journalist

"Powerful, beautifully written, and eye-opening, this book spotlights the inner workings of a multi-billion-dollar industry and the effect on patients, families, and hospice staff. The author shares poignant accounts of hospice at its best and worst and the hard-hitting truths she learned on her journey. A must-read for family members exploring hospice care."

— Laura Kukowski, CEO, editor, For-Profit Badger Hospice, LLC

"Maryclaire Torinus speaks with authority, providing this essential handbook for choosing a hospice care team and why that selection really matters."

Greg Schneider President, HVA, co-author of The Changing Face of Hospice Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care 

"When I first found out that Maryclaire Torinus was writing this book, I immediately contacted her because in my 25+ years supporting hospice volunteers, I have seen a gradual decline in the quality of care volunteers are permitted to provide the dying and their families. There are a variety of reasons for this that I describe in the Foreward of this book. Maryclaire provides invaluable insights that everyone should know, along with solutions to help others make the right choice in choosing a hospice."

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The Changing Face of Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care
Contributing Author - Greg Schneider
HCF Creator & HVA President

Volunteers have a long history of supporting the development and delivery of hospice and palliative care in most countries throughout the world. As hospice and palliative care services anticipate significant increasing and changing demands, it is recognized that volunteers have a vital role to play in supporting the future delivery of services. However, as society changes so too does volunteering.

This multi-author text explores the complex phenomenon of hospice and palliative care volunteering from an international perspective and considers the influence on volunteering of different cultures and constructs. The book also explores the likely impact of changes in hospice and palliative care on volunteers and considers how and why volunteering itself is changing and the subsequent implications for managers, organizations, and policy makers.

This book does not attempt to offer solutions to the many challenges ahead, but rather poses questions that may help to reflect on new possibilities and opportunities.


"The book is well laid out and written in an easy to use manner. It begins with setting the scene of volunteering and the modern context of hospice and palliative care. The book is well referenced and covers a range of topics making for a balanced and thought provoking read." -- Nursing Times

"If you run a palliative care volunteer service, or a palliative care service with a volunteer program, you need to read this book. Not only will it give you an in-depth view of where things are at, but also how things are changing in countries from around the world." -- Roger Woodruff, IAHPC Newsletter



Ros ScottHonorary Research Fellow, University of Dundee, UK and Co-chair, EAPC Task Force on Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care. She is a researcher and voluntary sector consultant with a background in organisational development, research and the development of volunteering and of palliative care organisations. 

Steven Howlett, Deputy Director at Roehampton Business School, London, UK where he teaches undergraduate and post graduate courses in management and ethics. Previously he was Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Volunteering research where he completed many studies on volunteering.
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