death (4)

8646113490?profile=original[Fear of Death: A Fear of Life] A new series from the HEAL (Hospice Educators Affirming Life) Project​ and the Hospice Volunteer Association​

Often our fear of death is associated with the unknown. Anita Moorjani​ was interviewed on the Today Show about her own Near Death Experience (NDE), which gives us some insight into what dying may be like.

“Within four days [of the NDE], my tumors shrunk by 70 percent, and the doctors were shocked...” Anita's story was fully vetted by medical researchers and confirmed that her recovery from cancer could not be attributed to medical treatment because it was impossible for the body to expel that many cancer cells in 4 days. It is an astonishing story that baffled the researchers. You can find her original report on the NDE Research website at the link below. She has written an inspiring book describing her life experience up to and including the NDE titled "Dying To Be Me."

Full article and video interview from Today Show: click here

Greg Schneider
Founding Director/CEO, HEAL Project
Founder & President, HVA

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8646113460?profile=originalBeyond the Veil: Our Journey Home

by Diane Goble

is now available from most major book sellers in large print as a workbook to help caregivers and patients navigate through their end of life journey with grace and dignity to a peaceful transition.

Written by a near-death experiencer, melanoma survivor, hospice volunteer, transition guide, psychologist and septuagenarian, it is a textbook for caregivers who want to be more present with their patients, whether they are nurses, hospice volunteers, holistic practitioners or family members. The information in the book comes from a training course developed by the author in 2008 to encourage paraprofessionals to become Transition Guides (doulas or spiritual midwives) becauset the end of life, we are actually birthing the soul. 

It is also a journal for patients whether they have been diagnosed with a potentially terminal illness, are elderly and in failing health, or are perfectly healthy and want to feel empowered no matter how or when they find themselves out of their body and still conscious.

Information and questions are provided to guide people toward having The Conversation about their end of life wishes with their families and physicians, filling out Advance Healthcare Directives and POLST forms, understanding hospice and palliative care options, and considering the Death with Dignity option.

There are meditations and guided visualizations to help people process their life review, clear their conscience, make amends and come to terms with the end of their lives. The are instructions for writing one's own Personal Transition Guidebook, which may be read to the person as he or she is dying to guide the departing soul to the Light.

The information is based on the author's near-death experience during a white water river rafting accident during which she was given the choice to return to her body with a mission to teach others that WE DON"T DIE.

As Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross said... We simply slip out of our body like it was an old worn out coat and step into the sunshine.

It is also based on her years of study into ancient religions and philosophies about the process of dying and ideas about an after life, and recent studies into the continuation of consciousness after death of the body.

The book is also available for Kindle, however that version is for quick reference as it is obviously not a workbook. Reviews posted to and other sites are much appreciated. You're invited to contact the author through her blog-- Let's talk about death and dying...

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Curious About How the End of Life Might Go?


 ​The latest blog post from our [Fear of Death: A Fear of Life] series from the HEAL (Hospice Educators Affirming Life) Project​ and the Hospice Volunteer Association

David Schneider, BBC Radio Show Host, talks to palliative care consultant Kathryn Mannix about what dying is like

David Schneider is terrified of death.

In his two editions of One to One he wants to try to overcome his fear by talking to those who have first-hand understanding of dying. In this programme, he talks to Palliative Care consultant, Kathryn Mannix.

With almost forty years of clinical experience and witnessing over twelve thousand deaths, she believes that a 'good death' is possible even when you are seriously ill.

She explains the process of dying to David. This, she believes, if accepted by the patient, removes much of the anxiety and fear surrounding the end of life.

To listen to the interview click here and scroll down to the [Fear of Death] section of HVA's National Hospice Document Repository (NHDR).

Greg Schneider
Founding Director/CEO, HEAL Project
Founder & President, HVA

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A Balance To It All

 I woke up excited. I had the opportunity to facilitate an in service about Touch Awareness in Caregiving to a group of hospice nurses in my favorite hospice.

When I arrived I was told by the Nursing Director that a resident had died the night before. She had been with him all morning as staff and friends had participated in bathing his body and preparing him for his journey from the house.

All staff, including the nurses attending the in service, were asked to participate in the ceremony of departure. The body would be carried out shortly before the in service was scheduled to end, therefore I was asked if I could end a bit earlier than scheduled.

 The door bell rang; it was time to come to the dining room for the ceremony.

Once there we formed two lines and a bowl of rose petals appeared. We passed the bowl around and all took a handful of petals. Then we were told the deceased wanted us to sing Amazing Grace.

While singing, two well dressed men came down the stairs slowly carrying a gurney with the deceased gentleman draped in a shroud, bringing attention to the serenity in his face. It could have been the streets of New Orleans!

As they passed through the dining hall between the two lines  we sang as we sprinkled rose petals on the body.

There I was looking into the face of the deceased, someone I had never known, who didn’t know me, singing, welling up with tears, sprinkling rose petals and realizing that the sacredness of the moment transcended personal relationships.

This was honoring the cycle of life; the human spirit; human suffering and the profound ordinariness of this extraordinary morning.

As the gurney proceeded out the door and through the garden we began to take our places at the table; some with bag lunches and me looking in the fridge for leftovers.

The lunch was somewhat silent for a few minutes. We were digesting food for the soul. Our eye contact and quiet breaths together told the story of the blessed honor we had shared. Then, as if a bell had rung, the talk about the afternoon schedule began.

I finished my lunch and left to go down the street to see a client in another residential care facility.

As I walked outside I was aware of people walking fast; wearing black, and looking at their palms with plugs stuck in their ears. I had to be careful as everyone was in some kind of  personal isolated state, connecting with life through cyberspace. The outside world suddenly felt  empty.

I paused. Remembering the gentle aroma of rose petals, I expressed silent gratitude for my morning in the hospice.


Irene Smith

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Recently Published!!
by Maryclaire Torinus

Surviving Hospice: A Chaplain's Journey into the Big Business of Dying Plus: How To Find a Trustworthy Hospice 

This narrative is an insider’s look into the hijacking of hospice by private equity and professional investors and the subsequent harm to patients, their families, and to the interdisciplinary clinical teams. It was released by a NYC publisher on October 31, 2023. For sale on Amazon.

The author, a hospice chaplain, tells end-of-life stories of her patients who were harmed by financially-motivated policies. This is a book for anyone who is embarking on making a choice about a hospice for their loved one, working chaplains, those in training, and those interested in what dying is like with a hospice who places patients as their primary stakeholders.

Maryclaire's experience working for an owner who sold to a private equity firm helped her to realize that the reputation and viability of hospice is in jeopardy. Her goal is to alert all who love hospice to rid it of professional investors.

— Stacy Juba, author, editor, and award-winning health journalist

"Powerful, beautifully written, and eye-opening, this book spotlights the inner workings of a multi-billion-dollar industry and the effect on patients, families, and hospice staff. The author shares poignant accounts of hospice at its best and worst and the hard-hitting truths she learned on her journey. A must-read for family members exploring hospice care."

— Laura Kukowski, CEO, editor, For-Profit Badger Hospice, LLC

"Maryclaire Torinus speaks with authority, providing this essential handbook for choosing a hospice care team and why that selection really matters."

Greg Schneider President, HVA, co-author of The Changing Face of Hospice Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care 

"When I first found out that Maryclaire Torinus was writing this book, I immediately contacted her because in my 25+ years supporting hospice volunteers, I have seen a gradual decline in the quality of care volunteers are permitted to provide the dying and their families. There are a variety of reasons for this that I describe in the Foreward of this book. Maryclaire provides invaluable insights that everyone should know, along with solutions to help others make the right choice in choosing a hospice."

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The Changing Face of Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care
Contributing Author - Greg Schneider
HCF Creator & HVA President

Volunteers have a long history of supporting the development and delivery of hospice and palliative care in most countries throughout the world. As hospice and palliative care services anticipate significant increasing and changing demands, it is recognized that volunteers have a vital role to play in supporting the future delivery of services. However, as society changes so too does volunteering.

This multi-author text explores the complex phenomenon of hospice and palliative care volunteering from an international perspective and considers the influence on volunteering of different cultures and constructs. The book also explores the likely impact of changes in hospice and palliative care on volunteers and considers how and why volunteering itself is changing and the subsequent implications for managers, organizations, and policy makers.

This book does not attempt to offer solutions to the many challenges ahead, but rather poses questions that may help to reflect on new possibilities and opportunities.


"The book is well laid out and written in an easy to use manner. It begins with setting the scene of volunteering and the modern context of hospice and palliative care. The book is well referenced and covers a range of topics making for a balanced and thought provoking read." -- Nursing Times

"If you run a palliative care volunteer service, or a palliative care service with a volunteer program, you need to read this book. Not only will it give you an in-depth view of where things are at, but also how things are changing in countries from around the world." -- Roger Woodruff, IAHPC Newsletter



Ros ScottHonorary Research Fellow, University of Dundee, UK and Co-chair, EAPC Task Force on Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care. She is a researcher and voluntary sector consultant with a background in organisational development, research and the development of volunteering and of palliative care organisations. 

Steven Howlett, Deputy Director at Roehampton Business School, London, UK where he teaches undergraduate and post graduate courses in management and ethics. Previously he was Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Volunteering research where he completed many studies on volunteering.
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