The PBS Frontline documentary on Dr. Atul Gawande's book Being Mortal is now available. This is a touching and compassionate discussion about life and death. It stresses the importance of not waiting too long to make certain important decisions about the end of our lives. Ask yourself "What really matters now? What really matters in the end?" Equally important is to realize that your doctor is trained to heal and will do all he/she can to help you achieve that healing...but relentlessly pursuing that healing process can result in unnecessary suffering for you as you near the end of your life. This impacts your quality of life and the ability of those who love you to support you during this time. Death is a natural part of life...remembering this in the context of your decisions can result in a more fulfilling period at the end of life.
Click here to view the 54 minute documentary.
Greg Schneider
President HVA
HCF Creator
Just having returned from India, not too far from Varanasi/ Benares made this documentary doubly rewarding - thanks so much for sharing and it is very reassuring to know that doctors like Mr Gawande and colleagues are out there and working on grasping mortality! Notwithstanding, what matters most to me is dying a natural death away from a hospital. Hope to see you next time you come to Austria! Best wishes.
Hi Swantje, Was just in Vienna for 2 weeks working on a new project. Was hoping to see you all again but it didn't work out. Only saw Ingrid Marth. Hopefully next time!! Hope you had a good trip to India. Namaste. Greg