Healing Touch is a gentle, complementary energy-based approach to health and healing. The goal is to restore harmony and balance to the human energy system through a heart-centered caring relationship and the use of contact/non-contact touch. This can greatly assist the body and mind in its natural ability to heal. Healing Touch is an evidence based practice that offers continuing education for nurses and massage therapists.
Our volunteers and staff use Healing Touch on a regular basis to help alleviate pain, discomfort, anxiety, and fear...a wonderful non medical intervention that works!
Questions? email me at sbarber@Missionhospice.org
To register, please send a check to Susan Barber, Mission Hospice & Home Care, 1670 S Amphlett Blvd #300, San Mateo, CA 94402, Checks are made out to Carol Kinney (our trainer!)
16 CEUs for nurses and masaage therapists