The Therapeutic Application of Lotion

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Very slow stroking with lotion for easing anxiety, restlessness and general calming body and mind.The Therapeutic Application of Lotion is beautifully demonstrated by an everflowing graduate from the December 2016 Providing Massage In hospice Care course, Mary Roemer, a massage practitioner from Santa Fe NM. Here are a few guidelines;*Make yourself comfortable at the bedside sitting is best.* Feel your feet on the floor* Breathe and feel your seat* Let your breath fill your chest and feel it fill your arms and hands* Let your breath clear your mind of busy thoughts. Exhale slowly* Speak what you are going to do no matter what stage the person is in. There is always consciousness* Speak slowly and move slowly towards the body of the person you are going to touch.* This touch may be a simple laying on of hands or with a little lotion in your hands you may apply simpleslow stroking down of the extremities.[ arms, legs]* In this short video please note the simple slow Petting of the legs. This is excellent for those who arebedridden. Five minutes for both legs is plenty

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    Thank you for your reply. Received your voicemail you may contact me via my office at 408-451-9055

  • You may call me after Monday and ask this extensive question in person. Too much to use the fingers 415 564 1750
  • Hello

    Would a physician's order be required to provide this to a hospice patient?  If not, what are some suggestions to protect the agency against any potential claims (I would have patient/RP sign a release of liability form first though)

    Thank you,

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Kathy Douglas, RN, MPH-HA is a nationally recognized nurse leader, filmmaker and entrepreneur. 

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“This is a beloved book and beyond a book. It is an evocative, poetic, ecstatic, and inspirited sacred, experiential calling. A calling to you--YES, YOU.” 

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Greg Schneider President, HVA, co-author of The Changing Face of Hospice Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care 

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