Touch is our organic language; therefore you would assume that touch is an easy communication. There are however, very challenging aspects to being fully present with the touch component to caregiving.
Although touch is our original communication, we are taught, as soon as possible, verbal language to replace touch and at the same time taught many conditions about the negative use of touching. It seems that during various stages of our development we learn more reasons why not to use touch than positive reinforcement for it’s value in our lives.
As professionals we learn that boundaries are primary to the professional relationship and learn the caution of becoming intimately involved with those who seek our care and counsel. We learn not to become emotionally involved.
As a care provider we are touching those in our care during vulnerable times. The heart is exposed. The core factor in the act of touching is the bonding that takes place; the connection between two beings. This connection coupled with the vulnerable heart is an emotional place. Touch elicits emotion. To be fully present to the touch experience elicits our momentary emotional involvement, To separate from this feeling does not allow us to be fully present and authentic.
We as caregivers, have a double jeopardy when it comes to being fully present to this emotional bond during touch interactions. We have our early learned cautions about touching; some healthy and some unhealthy, and we have our professional boundaries. How then do we bring ourselves fully into the touching aspect of our caregiving relationships? How do we allow our heart to be present?
Being present in my touch relationships with clients requires me to be receptive not only to my clients experience but to my experience as well. When my heart is fully present so is love. When I feel love I also feel the conditions I’ve been taught about loving and about feeling love as a professional. If I am going to keep my heart available then I have to be open to all the feelings I am experiencing. Sometimes I feel shame, sometimes embarrassment about feeling love. I can’t hide from these aspects of myself because I will be closing down to my experience. When I close down to my own experience I am no longer whole.
So , what to do? I try and observe what is going on inside of me and witness it with compassion.
I feel my feet on the floor. I feel my center... breath in my belly and I exhale fully. I try and allow my body to be as comfortable as possible and feel the body that I am touching. I bring myself back to the texture and form and temperature of the body I am touching. This grounding will sometimes allow me to discern between old information and current experience and allow me to respond from current information in the current moment.
Three components of Therapeutic Presence as described by Bugenthal[1987] are;
Being open and present to all parts of the client experience
Being open to all of one’s own experience as one is with the client
Being able to respond from the immediacy of that experience.[authentic]
Being authentic requires deep trust. I have to trust what I feel in my heart, what I sense through my body and trust my ability to assess clearly from this current information. I also have to trust that the person I am touching will receive my touch in the wisdom in which it is delivered, and with eyes open, I have to trust in the moment. Cultivating trust is the way to cultivating presence in the touch relationship.
Irene Smith
Absolutely!Greg. I appreciate you taking this a layer deeper. Realizing we are all one opens our heart to include us.
Receiving...allowing ourselves to be touched. The vulnerability goes both ways. When we are serving rather than partnering we are holding ourselves separate.We are not fully present. This is when I am not nurtured in return. I Amen this as well Francis. Thank you for this
Thanks for this informative post Irene. What stood out for me is that I think as caregivers, we tend not to include ourselves in the "receiving" experience. Sitting and offering touch to someone is part of our "giving" role, the primary focus of the caregiving experience. By allowing ourselves to be equally part of the experience we can then permit ourselves to connect fully with those that we serve.
By doing so we can also be aware of the mirror effect, the reflection of ourselves in others, permitting us to fully realize that we are more alike than different, deepening the touch experience.