My name is Mrs. Marisol Riddell and I am new to hospice, but I've been volunteering for 25 years.
My question is this:
I have a few unemployed Volunteers and one of them was recently offered a paying position by the caregiver. This caregiver is overwhelmed and although she is very appreciative of the volunteer hours we have provided, needs more constant assistance. Specifically, she needs a companion for her daughter who is developmentally disabled, and general housework.
Are we allowed to still have the Volunteer volunteer on the days originally agreed upon? With the caregiver and the Volunteer ironing out their own aggreement for services and payment on the days volunteer hours are not provided? Or do we need to remove the Volunteer from volunteering until she is no longer a paid employee of the caregiver?
Thank you in advance for any advice you have on this topic.
Mrs. Riddell