Recruitment Questions.

I am currently closing up the 2011 year and planning for 2012... Being that we are a small hospice in a big city with big hospices, I have a hard time recruiting volunteers... The other day I had a brainstorm idea and I wanted to see if anyone else does this... Do you send out flyers about the volunteer department to families that are about to compleate the 13 berevement program?


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  • Our Berevement department does send out a brochure on Volunteering at the end of 13 months. I have found the best way to get Volunteers is posting ads on your local sites, I would say 70% of my volunteers come from that.

  • I did send letters to families and did not get any response. I think a personal call saying that there are patients who are in need of volunteers helps more than letters or flyers.

  • I think maybe to begin with, just listen to your families.  I am sure, as I am one of those family members, that made up my mind to volunteer as a way to "pay back" all the care we received from hospice.  I think your staff will be able to identify sincere candidates prior to completion of the berevement program, and find a very personal way to help them make that transition. 

    Being in a small hospice in that big city may really work to your advantage: your clients probably have close knit church groups, senior groups, etc. that may be looking for guest speakers.  I think those small, intimate groups will bring you big rewards.  Good luck

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by Rashani Rea & Kathy Douglas

Those who companion suffering daily, such as hospice nurses and volunteers, will surely appreciate this beautiful work. With 62 original art collages by Rashani Réa, five beautiful chapters by Kathy Douglas, and a foreword by Jean Watson, this exquisite book is a peaceful refuge for contemplation, inquiry, reflection and inspiration for those who traverse the joys and sorrows of nursing.

Kathy Douglas, RN, MPH-HA is a nationally recognized nurse leader, filmmaker and entrepreneur. 

Rashani Réa is a prolific artist and musician, a creatrice of sanctuaries and a respected spiritual mentor.

“This is a beloved book and beyond a book. It is an evocative, poetic, ecstatic, and inspirited sacred, experiential calling. A calling to you--YES, YOU.” 

— Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, Living Legend (AAN)

“Those who companion suffering daily need to turn inward to metabolize what they have witnessed. This exquisite book, filled with beautiful images and poetic wise words, is the inspiration and support needed to grow a wise heart.” 

— Frank Ostaseski, founder and director of the Metta Institute and author of The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully

“In this unique time of the COVID-19 pandemic, this book should be considered a tribute to the tremendous courage being displayed by nurses around the world. There is much wisdom conveyed throughout by those who have been there serving others with such grace.” 

Greg Schneider President, HVA, co-author of The Changing Face of Hospice Volunteering in Hospice and Palliative Care 

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