Grace Before Dying is a photographic exhibition by Lori Waselchuk about hospice in prisons.
"Lori Waselchuk's vision finds the humane in the broadest landscape or interior view while her passion provides us all with the chance to experience it in close—so close—and deeply." ~ Roy Flukinger, Senior Research Curator at the Harry Ransom Center
Grace Before Dying charts the extraordinary breakthrough in humanity that has helped transform one of the most dangerous maximum security prisons in the United States, Louisiana's notorious Angola prison, into one of the least violent. Poignant quotes from the incarcerated hospice volunteers and patients accompany the searing photographs set in a carefully built sequence that charts the development of a culture of caring and compassion that challenges stereotypes of incarcerated people, and provides an intimate perspectives on what long-term and life sentences signify for those inside.
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